Hello, I’m



1  class Person {
2      constructor() {
3        this.name = "Vinay Patel";
4        this.traits = ["DESIGN", "DEV"];
5        this.age = new Date().getFullYear() - 1998;
6      }
7  }

Things I love


I'm more front end focused and love to work with Reactjs as well as pure HTML, CSS.


I just extremely love javascript, I can’t even express how much I love javascript with just a few lines.

Creative Coding

I love creative coding because I do both coding & designing. making beautiful art with code is very satisfying to me.

About Me

Hi, I'm Vinay Patel, a passionate self-taught frontEnd web developer from Canada, Open to the Next Opportunity. I tend to make use of modern web technologies. To build websites that look great, feel fantastic, and function correctly.

I'm also a graduated Computer Programmer from "Algonquin College" . I also do Graphic and UI designing. Since I love both programming and designing, I'm also interested in creating programmatic designs and creative coding projects.

“Code can't lie, Comments Can.“

- Vinay Patel

“The Journey isn't Clean, But Code should be.“

- Vinay Patel

“Creativity is the driver of an unstoppable train called Passion.”

- Vinay Patel

My Skillsets











Github Readme Stats

Github Readme Stats dynamically generates stats for github user's readmes, After github launched it's profile readme feature I thought I would do something unique and dynamic with new readme resumes so I made github-readme-stats which is now used by many people and got over 1k stars on github within 7 days, and currently it has over 10k stars. it has few cool features including `Github Extra Pins` which allows us to pin more that 6 repos in our profile.


Universal bug tracker for everyone! BugVilla allows team members to collaborate, discuss and kill bugs effectively.

Verly Range Slider

Verly Range Slider is one of my fun projects which uses my Verly.js physics engine, and it also got mentioned in CodepenSpark. verly range slider got viral on the net and got over 15K views on codepen.io. It uses Verlet physics to simulate those delightful dangly sliders.

Evolution Aquerium

Evolution Aquarium is based on Craig Reynold's Steering Behaviors and Flocking System, and It implements a Genetic Algorithm and mutations. Daniel Shiffman showcased this on his Youtube Channel at TheCodingTrain. And I was pleased about the humble feedback; sir Daniel Shiffman gave to me. It just boosted my confidence more and more, and motivated me to make this project better.


ShaderExpo is a purely dependency-free shader editor made in Raw WebGL API. Experiment with basic WebGL shaders on the fly. ShaderExpo Includes rich features like Inline Error Logs, AutoCompletion, Live Editing, Example Shaders, etc. ShaderExpo is also mentioned in Awesome-Webgl.


Dodge! Shoot! Win! GyroDodge is a simple gyroscopic mobile game. I used device orientation API to get the alpha, gamma, delta rotations of the mobile device and then use it to control the player. also available on itch.io


QuickerPoll is a crowd-sourced real-time polling app created with React and Nodejs. QuickerPoll lets you create, edit, update, delete public polls and vote on them publicly. This project is just an example of using react, nodejs and restful APIs all together


Collection of CreativeCoding projects.

Creative Chat

Creative Chat is a realtime fun chatting app. where users can draw with colors in the canvas and communicate trough art.


Verly.js is a successor to my old Verlet.js Physics Engine. Very.js is more simple to use and very modular. Easy to integrate verlet physics engine.

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